• 2025-02-13 11:09 am

Lankaground news

News Arround Sri Lanka

What has happened to the country due to wrong policies

What has happened to the country due to wrong policies…

Unfortunately, due to the wrong policies in our country, many people have been put in a position to receive subsidies…

  • Migrant workers send more than 6500 million dollars in foreign exchange per year…

  • It is used for the good of the country…

– Minister Vijitha Herath

As a country, we are a country with a good and strong economy and we would not be in a position to receive subsidies, and everyone would like to stand up on their own in the motherland where they were born, but unfortunately, due to the wrong policies in the country, many people have been put in a position to receive subsidies today, says Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Employment and Tourism Vijitha Herath.

He made this statement while participating in a program to provide jobs in Japan for qualified young people from families receiving Samurdhi and Aswesuma benefits organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Employment and Tourism and the Ministry of Rural Development, Social Security and Community Empowerment at the Foreign Employment Bureau today (2025.01.24).

Speaking at the event, Mr. Vijitha Herath said,

“This new opportunity is not for this special category that the Foreign Employment Bureau has provided such an opportunity so far. Today, children of families receiving Samurdhi subsidies and also receiving Aswesuma have been provided with a special opportunity for foreign employment. Our ministry and the Ministry of Social Empowerment jointly started this program. You are the children of families receiving Samurdhi or Aswesuma.

Why did we come to the position of receiving subsidies? If we were a country with a strong economy, you would not be in that situation. Everyone wants to stand on their own in the motherland where they were born. But unfortunately, due to the wrong policies in our country, many of us have become recipients of subsidies. As a result, families who enjoy prosperity and comfort are especially participating in this opportunity.

If we want to develop a country, we need to move towards an economy based on production. If we lead a country with an economic vision based on the production of goods and services, we will not need anyone’s subsidies. We can rise up with our own strength and stand on our own two feet and earn our own income.

Our hope is not to continue that subsidy system. But you all know. Today, we are a country that has fallen economically, so we have had to take certain measures for that interim period until we get to a certain level. Come on, this is such a measure. Develop the country economically in the long term.

A program with a short-term, medium-term, and long-term vision is needed. We are at the beginning of such a program. But for that interim period, we need some measures to manage this economy.

The two main areas where the country can earn foreign exchange are through foreign employment and through the tourism industry. That is what we hope to achieve by developing these two areas in the short term. In the long term, we need to go for the plan I mentioned earlier.

But to build that interim period, there are about three and a half million Sri Lankans working around the world today. Working in various fields. Professionals are employed at various levels and they send us foreign exchange every day. They send about 6500 million dollars a year. Currently, the amount of foreign exchange earned in the tourism sector is also increasing. This is a big help for the country to overcome this crisis.

You go to Japan and get involved in new jobs in Japan. Especially in jobs related to advanced Japanese technology and economy, you should focus on developing your future and also intervene in developing the future of the country. It will help your family, personal life and the development of the country.

The main purpose of this program is not to keep us in this state of providing subsidies. Your parents became prosperous and comfortable because of the economic bankruptcy that existed. You must save your family from that situation.

You should independently join some entrepreneurial program to develop the country’s economy. Only then will your economy develop. The opportunity we are giving you today is the most valuable opportunity of your life. If you go to Japan and make your life successful, the country’s economy will also be successful. The work we are doing will also be successful.

This Foreign Employment Bureau exists to provide opportunities to such young people. Thousands of young people are registered through the Foreign Employment Bureau and sent to Korea, Japan, Israel, the Middle East and European countries.

In that process, the young people of our country are getting great opportunities. Our aim is to provide that opportunity fairly, without any political interference, and to provide a fair system without paying large sums of money to those who go. You know, there is a lot of criticism in the country about this.

We often receive complaints from them..that money was taken…millions were paid to the agency. Money was given to the officer in the afternoon.

We receive many such complaints. It is clear that this matter was not done transparently in the past. Therefore, we want to correct it in a short time and provide the young people of this country with the opportunity to go for those foreign jobs without any political interference. That will take a short time. Many things will have to be changed.

Some laws and regulations will have to be changed. We hope to change the way we accuse people and make the Foreign Employment Bureau a place where the youth of this country can fulfill their potential. For that, we need the support of the officers here. They must support us. This is a new government. The people of the country have given us a mandate to defeat the wrong methods, clean the country and strengthen your future. Let’s put this institution in that position.

Also, many laws have to be changed to promote the tourism sector. For that, legal work is currently being done to appoint a National Tourism Commission. We hope that by changing those things, we will become strong citizens who stand up on their own strength and do justice. Give us the courage we can give for that. This is why we started this service today. Make this great opportunity a success for the future of the country and your future.”